Nikwax is the world’s leading brand of safe, high-performance waterproofing, cleaning and conditioning products for outdoor gear. Their products prolong the life and enhance the performance of clothing, footwear and equipment.

Most waterproof outdoor clothing, footwear and gear has a special Durable Water Repellent (DWR) coating, which causes water to bead up on the surface. When functioning correctly, it prevents water from entering while allowing moisture vapour (sweat) to escape. When dirt and other contaminants degrade the DWR, the material can start to soak up water, reducing breathability and causing it to ‘wet out’. Regularly cleaning and waterproofing is vital to ensure you get years of use from your outdoor gear.


Gear can be treated with Nikwax in the washing machine, by hand or by using the spray-on products.


All Nikwax products are water-based and environmentally safe. They do not contain propellant gases or fluorocarbons.

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The Power of Nikwax

Improve the performance of your baselayers with Nikwax Deodorising®

Revitalise your wet weather gear in your washing machine with Down Wash Direct and Down Proof


Learn how to clean, waterproof, and condition all your outdoor clothing, footwear, and equipment.

Watch our collection of ‘how-to’ videos which show how you can easily keep your gear performing better for longer. Nikwax products keep you warm, dry, and comfortable – and save you money!

View all how-to guides